I’m delighted my unhuman series of books has new covers for
both the paperback and ebooks. I do, though, have a soft spot for the old ones
as the designs of these incorporated some photographs I had taken (mostly in
the Cotswolds and on Dartmoor) and also included some of my ideas, and I
thought they were very distinctive. I’m sorry to see them go. However my
publisher has decided that now there are 3 books in the series (so far), a new consistent
approach is required that treats them as a series. I’m very lucky they commissioned
the new covers from a top designer (who has done covers for Iain Banks,
Alexander McCall-Smith, Roald Dahl and Wilbur Smith, amongst many others). I’m
excited to see what happens next. I really like them and I got as excited
waiting to see the proofs of them these as I did with the first ones. I hope
you like them too.